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A Healthier, Happier, Stronger You - by Darran Walker

As a qualified Personal Trainer, I can help you lose weight, build muscle, recover from injury or simply get into better shape. I believe that looking after your body is just about the most important thing you can do for yourself, physically but more importantly mentally too. Let me assist you in acheiving that fitness journey.  

Contact me thebearfitnesspt today and see why I love my job so much!

My Story

Making a Positive Impact


Getting in shape shouldn’t be a chore, rather an amazing and empowering lifestyle decision that anyone can achieve. Mentally you will feel empowered by your new journey,  the amount of fun and levels of positive energy you will experience will far exceed those temporary sore muscles.

Having been a keen fitness enthusiast for many years, I've always focused on performing correct technique; reducing the risk of injury and maximising power to weight ability, having had my own career changing injury this further empowers me to understand just what fitness can do for the mind, body and soul. 

Whether your GOAL is to reach a specific target (that marathon you've told yourself is impossible, a special event, an injury to get passed) or to maintain and become stronger in who you are - you are an individual, as are your abilities, likes and dislikes - meaning each programme should be tailored and bespoke to you, which is what bearfitnesspt prides its self on - the personal touch, through combination of 1:1 face to face and remote.  Importantly I will contiunually review your programme making sure you are getting the results necessary to meet your specific GOAL*

Using a mixture of Compound, Static & Functional training exercises (battle ropes, tyre flips, boxing - pad work to name a few) on a 1-1, 1-2, or small training group setting you will have my dedicated attention and focus allowing us to plan, carry out and achieve your specific GOAL's.  With packages to suit all, with or without nutritional guidance - target your mind/ body and soul. 

Currently I have avalibility within a main stream gym, a private practice, a private studio or can offer a come to you service, be it inside or outside... **

Each space/facility will enable me to tailor excercise to meet your UNIQUE requirements to reach a healthier, fitter, stronger and more happier you. 

(*It wont happen overnight but with a positive mental approach and an 'I'm all in' attitude - 'together' we will get there.)

(** complemented remotely - always there to assist) 



Muscular Man Lifting Kettle Ball

Private Training
1:1 training 
Price from £35 per hour (discounted for multiple sessions)

Fitness, Strength, Weightloss & Recovery

Kettlebell Workout

Private Training
1:2 training (Buddy training) 
Price £45 per hour

All the benefits of 1:1 but with the comradery of a partner involved too. 

Cross Fit Class

Small Group Fitness
6+ participants 
£6 per person

Feel Good, Look Good, Have fun together!

Young Man doing Physical Exercise

Injury/Long term illness/Recovery
Price from £40 per hour

A Healthier, Stronger & Happier version of YOU.

Boxing Gloves

Boxing for Fitness
Prices £25 (30min)
(Can be part of 1:1 or 1:2 training)

Fun, Functional stress buster

It’s easier than you think to change your life. Just pick up the phone and let’s get you going on the road to a fitter future.


“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”

Vincent Van Gogh

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Contact Me

Get in touch for a complimentary consultation and together lets start your fitness journey today...

...a fitter, stronger, healthier you awaits. 

Covering Bedford, Flitwick, Haynes and surrounding villages.

Haynes, Bedfordshire, MK45 3PW

+44 (0) 7450 250259

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